brittany t. wilson
D E S I G N E R + H U M A N + P E O P L E M A N A G E R
about me.
My name is Brittany and I aspire to take a brand vision and bring it to life, beautifully. I am a digital designer and art director, and I enjoy the little pixels in life, a well-kerned headline, and a balanced hierarchy. My education in writing and my sense of humor make me think I'm funnier than I probably am, but that's a whole different story to tell.
My design experience began in studio production at Crispin Porter + Bogusky, where I worked with both creatives and producers to finalize all creative assets. I then moved to the world of tech, where I helped MapQuest (yes, they still exist) transition their brand identity to Verizon Location Services. In 2017, I finally found where my career belongs - in shopper marketing.
Today, you can find me strategizing ways to create best-in-class design for the digital shelf - finding ways to create a brick-and-mortar feel to the virtual world of shopper. I am an art director, creative, designer and strategic thinker, ready to change the world, one landing page at a time.
My life outside of work is in the mountains. I've traveled the world to hike, and I travel all around Colorado on the weekends pursuing summits. I prefer winter climbs to the summer season, when I'm not skiing or hopping on my bike. And in my spare time, I manage the Facebook group for, a group of 30,000 hikers from all over the world. I have a 3-legged dog that I love more than anything, and two plants that convince me that I too can have a green thumb if I try (really hard) (with the help of Google).